Well, what a wake-up call that was, I'd obviously forgotten that nothing stands still with Butlins. Every season there is something new, an area redeveloped, a new taste sensation and the latest shows for both adults and kids. Talking of shows an Ambassador friend of ours went recently and she has recommended the Cirque de Hilarious as something we have to see. This apparently combines daredevil acts with comedy and will have us all busting our guts! JJ can't wait to see it.
Here is what else we are looking forward to; things that will be a new experience for us at Butlins, Bognor Regis -
* Dick and Dom will be at Butlins. Can I confess that I am almost as excited about this as the kids are.
* I let Miss E have a look around the site and see what she fancies and of course her eye was caught by Mister Maker straight away. This is her favourite show as she loves to draw and create. Sadly I now see that it is not on until the summer holiday but great news for those of you going in the summer.
* We have not visited the Discovery studio yet at Bognor Regis but Miss M has already pointed this out as an experience she wants to be part of. 3D and animals all in one show are a hit for her. There is a cost of 5.00 per person for this but there is so little that you need to pay extra for that I'm happy to make some payments.
* I've just pointed out to dh that there is a new evening show called Freddie and it is based on the music of Freddie Mercury and Queen, so now I've been informed we will definitely be going to that!
* On the food front I spot there is a new diner which just opened this month, my friend Jenny has already been along and reviewed it and now I want to go more than ever. I've also nicked this photo from her, check it out!
* Then for another day we can try out the new ice cream parlour, Scoop. Another friend of mine Laura, has already tried this out and she says it is good! (Thanks also to her for the image)
As you can see there are so many new things for us to see, do and eat and this is only at Bognor, every site changes regularly. When we were at Minehead in April the funfair had been completely refurbished and was looking fabulous.
If you have any out-of-date or preconceived ideas (hi-de-hi) of what Butlins is like nowadays I can bet you have got it wrong. Nowadays it is many things - full-on, exhilarating, glossy, well maintained and fun but there is still the care and traditional charm that Billy Butlin set our to create all those years ago.
Only 3 more sleeps to go!! Yippee

Disclosure: I am a Butlins Ambassador this year and as such we were provided with a 4 night break for 5 people for the purpose of undertaking a review. I have not been told what to write and I remain honest.
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