As the rain was coming down hard and we had free tickets (nothing to do with my blog I might add) we decided to go to church, have lunch and go along in the afternoon to watch the main event.
There seemed to have been loads going on if you went for the whole day - food stands, authentic traders, kids activities, theatre performances, have-a-go archery, Falconry, a literary tent with loads of different authors and music shows.
We had a good couple of hours at the event, first we explored the old abbey ruins a bit and then settled down to watch the main reenactment, it was very interesting but the rain pelting down did put a dampener on it for us and we headed to Costa to warm up.
The old abbey -

Loads of traders with far too many interesting things that little people want to touch! lol

English Heritage had a nice big shop there and if you are into this sort of thing there is loads the kids can buy, small wooden bows and arrow at £5.99, helmets, shields and proper metal helmet at about £150 for those more serious.

This is Harold riding in to battle -

The first soldiers commence battle -

The Normans march up to the Saxons on Senlac Hill and attempt to break their shield line -

Some of the Saxons feel they have won and break the line and then shortly they are surrounded by the Norman knights on horseback -

Because of the rain we didn't quite manage the full hour for the battle, the kids got bored and once Harold had the arrow in his eye we headed off.
We had a good time and I would recommend a visit to this if you are local to East Sussex. Pray for good weather, bring a picnic and make a day of it!
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