JJ - He came home with a letter yesterday to say he has won a prize for great work in ICT and considering computing is his first love, he was over the moon. Even more so when he found out he would get a £25 book token as a prize. It also means Hubby and I get to do our proud parents bit and go to the prize giving in November.
Here he is checking out the new Guinness World Records Gamers Edition to see if he is mentioned. He currently holds a Minecraft world record, don't you know!

Me - Riding on the i360 vertical cable car in Brighton Saturday was fab fun. My review will go live tomorrow.

Miss E - Brighton is a massive hit with her as she discovered they have her favourite Smiggle shop there and she used the last of her birthday money to buy herself a stationary bundle. She is now the envy of the school apparently.

Miss M - Miss had trouble sleeping the other night and ended up in the spare bed in Miss E's room and they have decided together that she will sleep better if they are in together, so for today twin love is her reason to be cheerful and they posed for some loving pictures!

Now, over to you, why not join in?
It's now your turn. Why don't you write a post and link it up with us? The Reasons to be Cheerful gang have always been a friendly and inclusive group, so if you join in and visit others to comment, I know you'll find the same happens for you and if you fancy adding a link or my badge (below) please feel free to do so but no pressure.
If you want to share and tweet use #R2BC and I'll then see it and can share it too.
Wishing you a fabulous week and I look forward to reading your posts and don't forget that as of next week Reasons to be Cheerful will be back with Becky at Lakes Single Mum.
Mich x