Notes from the heart..... seems to be becoming a weekly feature. I obviously like it!
From, the blogging queen!
Little mouse in my garage,
How dare you get in the garage and up on the table and eat the rest of my kiddies Easter eggs! even through the boxes.
I can not believe your audacity! Now leave my house immediately before I set a trap for you.
Mad Mich
Dear dh and JJ,
I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend camping with the cubs and I pray that the weather stays nice for you.
Enjoy your boy time. Mummy xxxxx
My beautiful twinnies,
We have a girlie weekend ahead, lets enjoy it! If you can do as Mummy asks life will be much simpler and Mummy will appear much happier. Do you think you can manage to listen for a few days? (are you listening Miss M?)
Love you both, Mummy xxxxx
Dear Readers,
Each day I seem to find out about more and more of you. I get texts, facebook messages and emails but come on show yourself on here. Be brave, leave me a comment or put a follow on me, you know you want to help me get to my target of 50 followers by the end of June!
Cheers, much obliged. Mich x
Dear warped mind,
I am so grateful to have been abstinent from compulsive overeating for the last couple of days. If you could please stay sane for the foreseeable future I would really appreciate it and my fat body would also like to shrink a bit.
Thanks, Happy Mich x