How many times a day do we all say thank you? hundreds probably, sometimes it is heartfelt and we do not have enough words to be able to describe just how happy and full of grace we feel and sometimes we do not even want to say it but it is the 'done' thing. Never the less out it pops, or it should anyway. If you are one of my kids you probably need a gentle prod, the odd reminder to say thanks every time it is due but that is part of my job description, number 41 - Mummy teaches manners!
Each day I receive an inspiring email from a company that deals with people in 12 step fellowships (ie those with addictions - mine is food in case you are not aware of my problem, I realise I do not blog about my food issues so much nowadays, believe me they are still very much there) and today's was all about Gratitude being a way of life. This struck a cord with me as this really fits with my beliefs.
It reminded me that saying thank you often and sincerely to those we love keeps us from taking each other for granted and we all like to feel appreciated - how many relationships dry up because the people involved don't realise what they have? Yes, how true, a good prompt to remind me to spend time with my man and to value him and his input to our family.
Then there is the gratitude I feel toward God, the source of all the blessings I enjoy but do not create for myself. This thankfulness can be a part of every breath I take, it is good sometimes to just take 10 minutes and to really focus on our breathing, softly speaking Yahweh as we focus on every breath. Often as I remember the many gifts of every day, my emptiness is filled.
You may have been able to tell from my last post that I have been in a low mood, a dark place for the last few days. I have wanted to snap out of it and it has been so hard. Crap happens that makes it even harder but I am determined not to continue to feel like this and the best thing for me I find is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and to remember to list small things that I find grace in. So here is today's list -
Each day I receive an inspiring email from a company that deals with people in 12 step fellowships (ie those with addictions - mine is food in case you are not aware of my problem, I realise I do not blog about my food issues so much nowadays, believe me they are still very much there) and today's was all about Gratitude being a way of life. This struck a cord with me as this really fits with my beliefs.
It reminded me that saying thank you often and sincerely to those we love keeps us from taking each other for granted and we all like to feel appreciated - how many relationships dry up because the people involved don't realise what they have? Yes, how true, a good prompt to remind me to spend time with my man and to value him and his input to our family.
Then there is the gratitude I feel toward God, the source of all the blessings I enjoy but do not create for myself. This thankfulness can be a part of every breath I take, it is good sometimes to just take 10 minutes and to really focus on our breathing, softly speaking Yahweh as we focus on every breath. Often as I remember the many gifts of every day, my emptiness is filled.
You may have been able to tell from my last post that I have been in a low mood, a dark place for the last few days. I have wanted to snap out of it and it has been so hard. Crap happens that makes it even harder but I am determined not to continue to feel like this and the best thing for me I find is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and to remember to list small things that I find grace in. So here is today's list -
- Thanks to my lovely dh for being there today and helping me clean and sort our house when it looked like a shit pit full of builders dust
- Thanks that my car flew through its MOT, just needing new wiper blades
- Thanks that John Lewis took back my iron which blew up last night
- Thanks that my JJ knew how sad and stressed I felt today and he kept trying to help me cheer up. He also cleared his room up for me.
- Thanks that the front of my house is starting to look great, garage door gone, half bricked up, window in tomorrow.
- Thanks that my food has been pretty good today
- Thanks that I finished work today until 2nd August
- Thanks that I go on holiday Saturday with my wonderful family while the builders stay here and finish all off
- Thanks to friends inviting me out to dinner
- Thanks to my sponsor for kicking me up the bum tonight
- Thanks again to dh for cooking dinner for tomorrow so I can feel good that my kids will have a nutritious tea tomorrow with lots of veg
- Thanks to all the great people who comment on here and give me hope
- Thanks to those to write great blogs which inspire me to keep going
and on, and on, and on........ I know there are so many more people and things that I am grateful to and for but for now it is bedtime and I need to be kind to myself and get some sleep.
Nighty, night! Mich x
Image Source: http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/clip/thanks.html