Tomorrow is a new day, I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will live in the day and savour the moment
Tomorrow I will not yearn after things I do not have
Tomorrow I hope the sun will shine
Tomorrow I do not have to get up for work
Tomorrow I will laze in my PJ's and enjoy a snuggle in bed with my little ladies
Tomorrow I am a lucky Mummy as I get to spend a whole day with my girls
Tomorrow holds a fun picnic and playdate with good friends
Tomorrow's dinner is already prepared
Tomorrow I go to my ED meeting in the evening and get to spend time with people who 100% accept and love me
Tomorrow is 1 day away from Friday when my Dad is coming up to finish decorating the new playroom
Tomorrow is only 2 days away from my girls weekend to Birmingham (a make over, meal out, dancing at Flares, sleeping out with the girls and time to be Mich)
Tomorrow is 3 days from my birthday
Tomorrow is unknown and I am looking forward to exploring it .......
What does your tomorrow hold?