Dear JJ,
Thank you so much for being you. I am loving being your Mummy right now. In some ways, you are wise beyond your years. I said to Daddy the other day that your behaviour has been so much better in the last couple of weeks and he said not better, just different - more grown-up. Yes, you still have those quirks that make you JJ and get you into trouble at times, but I have to count my blessings at what a delight you can be. How many just 7-year-olds get their uniform out each night without being prompted, can shower and get ready for bed themselves, help their sisters in the tasks they can not do, set and clear the table, tidy the playroom and numerous other tasks you know will make me happy. Like you say it means we can spend time together snuggling or playing.
I love you, big boy.
Mummy xxx
Miss E,

How grown-up are you getting? You know your own mind, delight in music, love Mummy cuddles and would rather be playing on the swings than anything else. I delight in being outdoors with you as you notice the Daddy Long Legs missing a leg, the mushrooms in the woods and the colours of the trees. Yes, darling, the trees on the walk to school are very pretty at the moment and it is clever that the tree is both green and yellow in different places at the same time. No, I have no idea why you have to ask wise daddy that one!

You are my poppet!
Mummy xxx
Miss M,
My little nemesis. I know you have felt poorly the last couple of nights and it has been just divine to have you in my bed for snuggles. When you cry that your mouth hurts I can hug and sshh you while stroking that silky soft hair. Boy, do you have a character! I always said I wanted strong-minded kids and I certainly got them. Be careful what you wish for they say! but you know what, Mummy would not change you at all. It is my job to teach you how to reign in that attitude and to learn to toe the line whilst still having your own strong identity and self-confidence.

I'll try my best for you all babe.
Mummy xxx
Hey Babe,
Have I told you lately I love you? Not sure why but at the moment I feel as if I love you more than any other time. I suppose some of it might come from how proud of you I am. You have tackled some big stuff in the last few years and made so much headway this year and then with your sharing at Church too.
You rock let's spend some 'us' time together very soon.
Mich xx
Dear PTA Noticeboard at School,
Did you think it was funny to collapse while I was trying to put a poster up and after most of the parents had left? There I was stood on a bench holding your enormous glass cover in the air and if I let go you were going to crash to the ground. Yes very funny! Thank goodness for that woman who offered to help after I had stood there for 10 minutes and wondered how on earth I was going to get the caretakers attention!
I hope he can sort you out and you behave next time I come to visit!
Michelle (ex-treasurer)
Dear Readers,
Have you heard of O
peration Christmas Child? Ever seen the scheme where you fill a decorated shoe box with gifts for a child in a developing country? Well, we will be joining in with this as a family and I am co-ordinating it for JJ's school. So if you are local and would like to join in let me know and I can collect your completed box from you in the week beginning 6 November 2010.
This is such a worthwhile cause. Just think what your children will receive this year and then imagine the joy that a box of goodies brings to a child who does not have any other gifts.
What an amazing chance to make our children realise just how lucky they are.
I hope you will join me. There are collections points countrywide if you are not local. I will be doing a post over the weekend showing you how we make our boxes.
Thanks a lot, Michelle
PS - thanks for all the new followers and also for those who have 'liked' my Facebook fan page. Leave me a comment and I can come to visit you.