Last week the kids and I made up our Christmas present shoeboxes ready for collection by the Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child team. The kids had super fun and keep asking me if they can make more, but one each is plenty for this year. I am organising a collection from JJ's school and the local toddler group have also got involved now too, so we expect to get a good number of boxes to send off.
Here my kids show you in pictures how to easily make up your box. They do not have to cost the world. The three boxes that we made up probably cost me about £15 in total and then, of course, you make a £3 donation per box to help with the cost of transporting the box abroad (it is now £5 in 2020).
The reason they cost so little is that I love to shop around and find a good deal, I also keep wrapped McDonald's toys when the kids get duplicates and I keep the little toys from party bags. I buy bits all year round when they are in the sale, such as the after Christmas sales. Also, you have to remember that you may not want a pack of 2 toothbrushes from Tesco for 10p (yes 10p really!) but to a child who has very little that is a treat for them.
So I urge you not to be discouraged from doing this on the basis that it will cost a lot, it really does not have to. All the items in the boxes we made were new and at £5 a box that is worthwhile.
Also what a fab opportunity to talk to your children about how fortunate they are and that children abroad may not have the basics like water, enough food or clothing, let alone a DSi or bike.
Box Packing Steps
So, take an ordinary shoebox (medium-sized) (or as of 2013 you can use an approved OCC Go box and not have to worry about wrapping it!)

Wrap it all up in nice festive kiddie paper, inside and out. The box may turn out to be as big a thrill for the recipient child as the goodies inside!

Pick some toys, boiled sweets, soap and flannel, toothbrush and paste, pens and pencils, gloves, hats etc etc ready to fill your boxes. Each year check what is on the approved items list, as it can change and I have noticed that in 2020 you can no longer send toothpaste or boiled sweets, due to increased import restrictions.

Here the kids make their dash to get the things for their boxes. They made one each for a child of the same age and sex as them.

The contents from one completed box for a young girl.

The three boxes all wrapped, don't forget to stick on your sticker to show what age and sex the box is aimed at.

Then include with your box the wallet containing the donation or better still donate your £5 per box online and print off the barcode (2020). We also include a Christmas card for the child with an encouraging message for them and a photo of my children who have lovingly made the boxes for the recipient child.
and here they are all complete and ready to go to school next week....

We hope you enjoy making your box!
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