Twinnie Rabits for my Twins! |
Let's not beat around the bush. So do I like it? Yes I do, lots. As a child my Mum always used Persil so I grew up knowing it was a reputable brand and then when I went away to University the need to save money took over and I moved to supermarket own brands. However I can honestly say I will now be swapping back as I love the idea of a great washing liquid being combined with the superb softening properties of comfort (I have always been a Comfort girl).
Another factor which appeals to me is the fact the liquid is small and mightly, meaning less packaging, less storage space, more can be transported at a time and generally that it is far more kind to the enironment. I must say I had wondered when I first saw it advertised if the small amount could really work at the same level as the traditional liquid but it really does.
This summer Persil are celbrating the launch of their new product with the Pass on the Love campaign. They have tested their new 2 in 1 product washing soft toys and in the tests the toys come out softer when continuously washed with Persil 2 in 1 with comfort than the current leading brand. Persil asked me to wash some of our old cuddly toys and I did this and I have to say they came out lovely. You have to be careful though as I found many said surface wash only.
Persil also challenged me to host a Pass the Love pic-nic wherby my kids would meet with some other littlies and they would swap their old bears which had been washed in the Persil liquid, while we all enjoyed a picnic. Sadly today, our friends called and said they could not come to our picnic as the dreaded chicken pox had arrived at their house, making two of their kids extremely grumpy and just wanting to cuddle up with Mummy. Not ones to be deterred we had our picnic alone. Just the three of us, oh and about 20 teddies as well.
So thank you Persil and Net Mums for setting me up with the opportunity to host our Pass on the Love picnic, we had a lovely day.
Disclaimer: I was sent some persil to use to wash some of our own cuddly toys, we also received a pic-nic pack for our Pass the Love Picnic and I have been recompensed for my time writing this review. I have not been instructed what to write and Netmums encourage me to be completely honest, which I always am.