I am supposed to have been on a bloggy break from 21st October to the beginning of December but if we are honest I did not do that well. I keep sneaking onto the PC and posting but the good news is that I have not been pressuring myself and I have not been feeling like I have to come onto the laptop. Isn't it funny that when you take the pressure away you want to do it?
There have been a whole load of days where I have not even turned the laptop on and instead I have done the following things ........
- Take the kids to the cinema to see Alpha and Omega, a nice little film in case you wondered. A wolf version of Romeo and Juliet!
- Go to Church and sing my heart out.
- Organise a PTA quiz night for school (and make lots of money!).
- Cuddle my girls on the sofa covered in blankets all warm and snug.
- Go swimming with JJ and have lots of laugh out loud moments. He sure knows how to take the mick that boy!
- Watch cheesy movies on TV like Ghostbusters and Sister Act.
- Write blog posts, without feeling obligated to do so!
- Go out with a number of different girl friends for drinks, chats and food.
- Read the bible and lots of literature from my eating disorders group.
- Have early nights.
- Play ball with the girls and help to teach them to throw and catch - important skills don't you know?
- Walk the dog.
- Go to the gym.
- Play board and card games with the kids. JJ is real good at Uno.
- Organise a shoe box collection at school and make lots of boxes with the kids.
- Talk to my husband.
- Visit my parents.
- Re-visit my old Church and catch up with good friends.
- Attend a Baptism.
- Have a date night with my husband
- Put cheesy music on the TV and dance with the kids.
- Cook a really nice meal.
- Make Christmas decorations
- Go to the library
- Enjoy an al fresco ice cream!
- Go tot he children's farm and have a great time as a family
- Clean the house top to bottom
- Apply for a new job
- Mow the lawn
- and lastly the one I am most excited about, volunteer at the local YMCA day centre and get to meet a ton of super people who need someone to chat to or a helping hand.
Miss E being confident for the first time to hold an animal |
Brother & sister working together for once! |
Fun at the park... |
I have learnt from the last six weeks that balance and perspective are extremely important when it comes to blogging and I will continue to have complete days or even weeks away from the blog when I want to, as really it won't fall apart without me!
So what have you been up to lately?