Thursday 8 December 2011

#R2BC - Week 49 Grateful for a Simple Weekend

Hello fellow cheerful ones,

#R2BC is back with me this week and I am pleased to welcome you all back to my blog. You know the drill - write a happy, joyful, grateful post and link it up.  Visit other blogs in the blog hop, leave some comment love and feel good you have put some smiles on some peoples faces.  If you link up early, any chance I can ask for a favour and you pop back Saturday to visit those who join up later?  They tend to miss out on the love.  I will definitely visit and comment on all blogs this week (well unless 100 join up!).

Last weekend, early Saturday night I headed out to the washing machine to empty it and load up the tumble dryer when it hit me like a rock.  I was content.  In that moment, life felt good, I was happy and I needed nothing else.  It felt wonderful. If only I could bottle that feeling and sell it, I'd be very rich and I'd be able to do a lot of good with that money.

Mum and her soppy dog Archie!

Let me share with you the simple things that were making me feel good -
  1. My Dh and kids all being at home and relaxed
  2. Mum having been to stay for 4 days
  3. Some good shopping and a beautiful new maxi dress from M and S
  4. Knowing I have 2 great Christmas parties coming up and I now have a perfect dress to wear
  5. Home-made coffee cake
  6. Dh's homemade chicken and vegetable soup - enough to keep us going all week!
  7. The housework being done enough (notice that word, enough.  Nothing was perfect but it was all manageable and I was able to let go).
  8. My Dad and Brother coming for a roast the next day
  9. The kids Christmas tree being well received at the local festival
  10. 2 little girls mesmerised by meeting Santa
  11. Sitting on twitter, chatting away about nonsense to some good friends
Perfect!  Isn't it amazing when we can just accept what we have then and there, making the best of it and forgetting the bad stuff for a small time?

So. we are fast approaching #R2BC's bloggerversary.  Tell me, do you think I should keep it running next year? We are a small and select group nowadays, ranging from 8 - 25 posts linking up each week but I do think it always feel like a lovely community.  Tell me what you think.......

Cheers Mich x