The #R2BC launch week saw 39 people join up and share their joyful reasons and the number of bloggers joining in continued around that mark with a peek at week 5 with 45 people joining in. In more recent times we have become a select group with about 20 people linking up and now in the busy run up to Christmas we seem to have shrunk to 8.... but what a fab group of 8 we are! I wonder if I will be all alone this week and next? Nah, I have faith, there are a few of you who will keep me company come rain or shine!
This week I am going back to basics and am just simply posting my reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3. Here they are -
By the time you read this I probably will have had my interview for a new job at my existing work. I have to do a 15 minute presentation and have a panel interview so to say I am a tad nervous is very true! The wobble I had when I called dh at work on Wednesday was no fun.
- To celebrate the interview being over work has laid on a large party for me, yes honestly just for me. Not for the other couple of thousand of people who work there! It should be a great night; free food, great music, dancing with friends I have a lovely dress and I really intend to enjoy myself and all without an ounce of alcohol.
- I am grateful for good friends with great ideas. Instead of my girls buying their little friends a token gift this Christmas six Mums are coming together to organise a 4 hour party on Monday. We are having loads of crafts, games (pin the nose on the snowman, pass the parcel etc), dancing and party food. The twelve 4 year olds that will attend will have an absolute ball and this may be something we do every year and all for about £10 per parent. Fab, hey?
Over to you - write your cheerful, happy, joyous or gratitude post and link up. Visit the others who link up and share some Christmas cheer. Don't forget to tweet about your post and use the #R2BC hashtag and if you are new to Reasons to be Cheerful then take a look HERE and read a bit more about where this linky came from.
Thanks all, love you. Mich x