I am a little bit overwhelmed, tearful and tired right now, so this post will be my last for a day or so and I just wanted to share my week with you in photos. I'll try and cut down the 561 photos that I have taken down to a managble number for this one post. All photos shared here were taken by me or with my brilliant little iPhone.
Yet again, I'll just say thank you for following this journey. You are all awesome (yes I have gone all American but still with a very British accent) and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting to know who @ONEcampaignUK are. If you can lend your voice, via petitions, emails, social sharing, blogging or even 1 simple RT then you are doing better than most people in the world and congratulations YOU are making a difference joining the fight to end extreme poverty.
If anyone is not sure who ONE are or what they do and you want more information, in easy to understand language then email me and I'll help. Love you all lots, Mich x
Arrival in Ethiopia - Day 1
Day 3 - Journey to 2 schools in Mojo
Day 4 - Travel to Bahir-Dar and visit a healh centre, health post and bee keeping project
Day 5 in Bahir-Dar - Visiting a farming training centre and health post
Day 6 visit to HIV clinic and Merkato slums project for you g girl domestic workers
Day 7 - Visit to Muta scarf and pottery factory
I am currently in Ethiopia travelling with a group of 11 other inspirational Mums and Moms as part of an expense paid trip courtesy of the ONE Campaign. Our trip is about success – Living Proof -- of what is working and why it is important that we continue to support projects that are making a huge, measurable difference for less than one percent of the entire US budget. It is about letting more people know what a tremendous difference the US and UK are making in the lives of millions around the world. And it is about adding thousands more voices to those already letting their elected officials know they support these life-saving programs.