I posted about the launch of the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign back in January. I'm really encouraged by this campaign as it sees over 170 charities come together to work towards the end of world hunger. Whilst I think it is really important for us to all take our responsibility seriously and use our voice and collective power to help others, I know that it can be a bit overwhelming to know which charity to support or blog for and in the end it can be all too easy to finish up doing nothing as you get bogged down in the politics.
So no need to feel overwhelmed with the IF campaign. There has already been some major success in that in March this year the British Government committed to spend 0.7% of gross national income on aid in 2013 and this is great news as there had been speculation about this figure being dropped. That alone is not enough though, we need David Cameron to take note of how we feel about millions of people starving across the world.
We need him to know that we are appalled and we want it to stop. There is enough food for everyone, yet one in eight people do not have enough food and go hungry. The fact they are denied a very basic need is outrageous. The IF campaign focuses on aid, land, tax and transparency as the four big focus areas that need to be tackled as a way to sort out the global hunger issue.
BIG IF London - 8th June
In June this year from 8th - 17th there are a series of summits happening in the lead up to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland on 18th and 19th June. This is the time when the most influential leaders from across the world come together and make plans to change our world.
The 8th June sees a hunger summit being hosted in London and as such it is the right time to make some noise and create a presence to show how Britain feels about injustice towards the worlds poorest people. I plan to go along to the BIG If London event in Hyde Park to add my support to tens of thousands of other committed and caring people. From 2pm in Hyde Park we will all gather with the intention to create an iconic symbol of support for tackling hunger. This will be made out of spinning flowers, a powerful reminder of the 2 million children who die because of hunger every year. Each of us will add our own flower to this symbol.
There will be a host of inspiring speakers and artists from across the globe, as well as us joining together to demonstrate against hunger. I'm told it will be an event for all the family, I'm probably just going alone though and hoping to meet up with some like-minded friends.
I'll tell you the truth, I'm a tad nervous about going, I logically know I have nothing to fear but I never imagined I'd be the sort of person who had become so passionate about the wider world. I'm so glad that in becoming a Christian my eyes have been opened and my knowledge expanded. It is my privilege and duty to be able to do what I can for all those who at the moment can not do it for themselves -people like the wonderful faithful Ethiopians I met last October when I traveled with the ONE Campaign.
Will you come and join me in Hyde Park on 8th June?
Read more about the Enough food for everyone IF campaign here, check out Facebook for the latest updates and keep in touch via twitter too. You can also join up to the ONE campaign to be kept informed about all the excellent work they do to campaign for an end to poverty.
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