Two and a half years ago I created a linky, one that I knew I needed. It was to help me focus on what is great in life and to remind me to stop and be thankful for all the blessings God bestows on me. Not content with doing this alone, I invited you all to join me and over the last 124 weeks so many of you have done that and that in itself makes me really grateful.
Reasons to be Cheerful is not one of the BIG linkys, I can't boast of ever having 150 or even 80 people linked up in one week. If you join in, it won't give you 100's of page views or masses of comments. This linky was never meant to be one that people joined in with to boast their stats and get an easy win. Oh no, this linky is not what I would call a 'blogging linky'. #R2BC is about self-awareness and about you as a person, our blog is just the way we are expressing ourselves.
I suppose I ought to substantiate why I feel #R2BC is the best linky ever -
+ I know that one woman used it as a way to stay focused on the future and the positive in life when her husband was made redundant and had no job for quite some time
+ There's another lady who has continued to cite her reasons to be cheerful even when grieving from the loss of her father
+ Then there is the super strong lady who joined us when she was going through two (yes two) different types of cancer
+ Not forgetting the woman who has always had a downer on life, she recently emailed to tell me that #R2BC had changed her outlook on life and she now sees hope in each day
+ Just on this weeks post someone told me that #R2BC was a comfort blanket to them and they could come back to it when they needed it
I could go on, there are plenty more stories and so many people who keep coming back and joining in and that is why I'm so pleased to be here when they need my little linky. At times I have wondered why I do this linky, it is a big comment to keep something going for such a long time but like with everything God has a plan and a reason and this week I really see it.
Not only has Reasons to be Cheerful helped me to see the good (or God) in things but it has helped so many of you too.....
Thanks for joining in. Sorry if I sound a bit soppy, I am genuinely wiping a tear away as I type this. Thank to every one of you who has ever joined in with #R2BC, long may it continue.
Love this community! Mich x
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