Look at me and what do you see?
Do you see the exterior, the too much white flesh,
the uneven smile and the baggy chest?
The 40 year old woman who has let herself go.
Or is it the 'front' you see, the confident blond,
the lady who can solve things with the wave of her invisible wand?
Or maybe you see superwoman with the beautiful clean home,
the stunning children and the husband who never moans?
Perhaps it is the successful blogger, rising up the charts,
making it look as if it is easy and takes no art?
Or do you look deeper and see a child of God,
the little girl down on her knees, ready and willing to please?
The encourager who wants to build you up,
desperate to affirm you and fill your cup?
The teacher who wants to impart what she knows,
to gently lead you and guide you and help you with whatever life throws?
The prayer warrior who is silently holding you near,
the woman who cares and is available all year?
This deeper woman is me.
I'm not just a shell and if you look properly you'll see.
Hop over and see Vic and the others who are joining in with Prose for Thought this week.
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