In 2013 I moved to the most gorgeous place, we have 220 acres to live in and enjoy. We share this with a community of about 80 other people. It is not a commune, our family has a house with its own front door but we share communal meals, worship, fellowship and fun. This photo shows the main house (it is a Christian conference centre and is where dh works and I volunteer)
I hate the country lanes that surround where I live. If the road is not big enough to take two cars passing each other easily I won't drive down it. Yes I know I am a complete woss!
When I was a young teenager I loved music and break-dancing. Not me actually doing the dancing I'm afraid but watching friends (who used to carry their lino and ghetto blaster about) and I was often found wearing a shiny tracksuit top! (It was the fashion, honest!)
I'm a thumb sucker. Not in public but if I get really tried then very occasionally I just catch myself! I used to get in so much trouble at school and I can recall my parents painting my nails with that foul tasting stuff and disciplining me, nothing ever worked. You can take a dummy away but never a thumb, this is the reason my kids had dummies - I knew!
I'm on a massive journey right now. God is talking to me and moulding me loads. It is absolutely amazing and also very tiring. I'm breaking free of strongholds and chains and stepping out from the lies that I have believed for too long. The journey ahead is bright and He has so much more for me, it is very exciting.
I never wanted children. I was not maternal at all as I grew up and never really interacted with any babies or small children. It was only once I had married dh that I realised kids were on the agenda and now I am absolutely in love with my three small people.

I like housework, it makes me happy to see my house all nice and tidy. There are areas where I am a bit slobby - cleaning inside the oven and the windows for instance but in the main I enjoy seeing my house go from the chaos of a busy school morning to calm, organised and crisp once all the beds are changed, rooms dusted, bathrooms polished and hoovering finished.
I've been pregnant three times. Once with JJ, once with the twinnies and I had a painful missed miscarriage back in 2010. I had already fallen in love with that babe before they headed off to heaven to join Jesus. His name is Samuel Noah and one day I'll get to meet him.
I have a passion for justice. This is something that has been powerfully emerging over the last five years or so. As I grew up I never gave much thought to others to be honest but in recent years God has placed a desire on my heart to fight harder and to speak up for those living in poverty or suffering injustice. This advocacy work is one of the things I love doing most now and my trips to Washington D.C and Ethiopia with ONE have been life changing.
I was fired from my job (or I think the term they used was 'let go') when I was 14. It was my own fault, I lied and told them I was 15 and they found out the truth. I bet the Nancy Leigh book shop was never the same again without me! It didn't matter I went on to work at the local petrol and convenience store for the next four years and met a boyfriend, met a great friend, earned a lot of money for my age and learnt all about responsibility. It was a good time.
So there we have it, did you already know these things about me or have I shocked you with anything?
Last weeks post from Stasia at Our Life on a Budget was a great read and I learnt she is a fellow car slob! I'm passing the baton on to Sarah Ann at Faith Along the Way, you'll be able to read her post next week.
Below are all the ladies involved in this blog hop and if you are looking to find some more blogs written by Christian Women then this is an awesome list to take a look at and subscribe to -
Jo - Real Married Life // Stasia - Our Life on a Budget // Michelle - Mummy From the Heart // Sarah Ann - Faith Along the Way // Ailee - Snapshots and my Thoughts // Sybil - She Lives Free // Johanna - Our Joyful Home // Kate - Making Space // Rachel - Dreaming of the Country
Wishing you a blessed week, Mich x
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