Dear twinnies,
Thanks so much that you fell asleep without fuss tonight. I don't know what it is making Mummy so tired but I appreciate you playing your part. I think we are all a bit wiped out after our Easter Break, there has been so much fun and laughter and instead of relaxing and charging our batteries we have had too much fun. It has been perfect, you are great company.
Love you my babies, Mummy xx
Right Little Man,
Or I suppose I should stop calling you that, you are now only a couple of inches shorter than me and you start secondary school in September so I have to accept you are growing up. I hope you've learnt a little something about pacing yourself this half term with your SATS revision. It is no good to leave the majority to the last day, Daddy won't be pleased!
Now it is 9pm so bedtime, turn your light off, stop procrastinating and sleep and then you'll feel much better in the morning when I wake you.
Love you my first born, Mummy xx
Dear Dolce Gusto,
I love you little machine, you make me very happy, be it a Cappuccino in the morning or a Chai Latte tea with a little treat like this evening, it is great to be able to enjoy a really good drink in my home with minimal cost. You are definitely one of my favourite review items ever and I love it that I use you so regularly.
Your happy owner
Hey Mich,
Why don't you just give in? When you feel this tired the right thing to do is just to go to bed. Get off this laptop, clean your teeth and snuggle down you know it is what your body needs, there is another busy day ahead tomorrow....
Oh and Mich, one more thing. Stop picking your nails, it is gross and makes your hands look horrid and they hurt you too, so pack it in and be kind to yourself.
Your sensible self
Dear Readers,
Thanks so much for turning up time and time again, you really are an awesome bunch and I appreciate every one of you. It's time for me to go snooze now,
Over and out, Mich xx
If you fancy writing your own letter or letters then please do link up and I'll come and read/ comment and share on twitter. If you do tweet then tag me in @michelletwinmum and use #DearSoandSo
I'm linking this up with Vicki over at HonestMum for her Briliant Blogposts.
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