Thursday has come around again, life seems to be flying by at the moment but it is all good as the kids are still off school and I'm really enjoying having them around and taking things easy.
1. I took the kids down to visit my parents on Monday and Tuesday and it was so good to spend some time with them, we didn't do too much as my poor Dad is suffering with sciatica after only having his pacemaker fitted a couple of weeks ago. It was really just a couple of days of getting Mum out the house so she didn't go stir crazy and taking the dog for a walk whilst the kids played in the park. Two days in a row Mum and I got to sit and stare out at this lovely lake view and I always appreciate these simple times far more than spending loads of money. It is these times that remind me why I would love to live closer to my parents.
The rest of the week has been pretty much the same, spending time with the kids, fish and chips in the park and loads of loads of playing. I'm so grateful for the gorgeous weather we have had that has made all this possible.
2. I practically whooped for joy last week when I discovered that Suits season 3 has been uploaded to Netflix. This is the first series I watched when we got Netflix last April and I adore it. I have been devouring the episodes and getting my dose of Harvey Spector. That sly little smile on his lips just makes my tummy slip but sadly there are only two episodes left of this season and then I'll be left hanging waiting for season 4. I may just have to buy it on DVD!
3. On Tuesday I was on my blog answering some comments when I noticed my sidebar and whooped with surprise that I am currently in the number 1 spot for faith blogs in the UK. I've never quite reached that heady height in the parenting charts, The highest I've ever reached in the Teads ranking was number 6 in May 2011 and I reached number 9 in the TOTs100 in March 2014. To be honest reaching number 1 in either of these would give me the same thrill this has done.
This is all God's doing and not mine. I only submitted my blog into this category last year when I've been part of Teads (eBuzzing and before that Wikio) since 2010 but I've always been a bit down on my blog as a faith blog. I made the mistake of comparing myself to all those wonderful blogs that fill the rest of the Teads faith charts. They are what I'd call proper faith blogs and are obviously written by scholars and well-read theologians. I'm just an average mum writing a blog about her average life but guided by a very awesome God.
I suppose a friend summed it up when she said I was doing an important job as I'm not preaching to the converted, I'm reaching out to the lost and that was so good to hear as I do think of Mummy from the Heart as my evangelistic tool. The place I get to show people that Christians are imperfect too but thankfully we are covered by grace.
I hope you have a fabulous week ahead. Why don't you link up with Reasons to be Cheerful this week (#R2BC) over at Jo's blog.