Dear School,
I'm so pleased you choose to have an inset day on Friday, meaning that we got a four day weekend. It has gone in a flash but that chilled first day really set the kids up so they could then have three full-on busy days.
However, I could sincerely do without them being off on Thursday for the election. It does bug me that I can't take them out for one day to have a long weekend away but you can close the school for the election when there is a perfectly good village hall down the way!
Sincerely Mrs Pannell
Hi Dennis,
Thanks so much for changing the menu for staff lunch on Friday, the kids were thrilled that on their day off they could have fish and chips with all staff and only have to walk through the West lawn to get it. You really are the best chef (well and Pete of course).
Grateful, Mich x
Dear National Trust,
I love your properties. I know that some people think once you have seen one old house you have seen them all but I disagree, it is totally interesting and so good for my kids on so many levels. Not only do they learn more about history, but they also learn to be calm, polite and well-behaved as they tour the site.
Our visit to Chartwell on Saturday was wonderful, the grounds are amazing and I could happily live there for the rest of my life. We will be back again as the tree swings, bomb crater climbing area and door mouse dens were loads of fun.
Thanks so much, a very happy customer, Michelle
Thank you, Anya,
You are a great hostess, we really appreciated coming to see you on Monday and spending time with you and your boys. Now we know the journey is an easy one you might see a little more of us!
Have a great week, Mich xx
PS - Sorry the minx left her shoes there and at last a decent photo of us together.

Hey Llama,
I'm so grateful to have met you, it is almost as if you are one of our family now. The kids adore you and you are loads of fun to spend time with. You have your whole life ahead of you and I feel confident you will do great things.
Keep on being a ray of sunshine, Mich xx

Dear Readers,
Time for you to link up too. Write (or link up an existing) letter or notes style post and I'll come to visit, comment and share and if you comment on others too that is when a good community is born. Let's get this out there and some more people joining in.
Love you all, enjoy your week. A happy Mich xx