My kids are starting to get really excited. You would think that I might have learnt by now, not to tell them we are going somewhere amazing until the day we are due to go but I can't keep the surprise and I love to see their excitement. I just find it a bit hard to put up with the constant questions for over two weeks!
Have you heard there is a new family attraction opening on the South Bank, London? Right by the aquarium and Coca Cola London Eye there will be Shrek's Adventure! - a unique walk and ride attraction for the whole family. Step into the kingdom of Far Far Away and enjoy a brand new madcap Shrek adventure where amazing DreamWorks animation, captivating story-telling and a good dose of Donkey’s cheekiness awaits.
I got the kids to watch this sneaky peek and by the end they were all ready to pack a bag and catch the train up to London but I had to slow them down as it is not opening until July.
We will be visiting on Saturday 11th July and then of course I'll be sharing a full account here on the blog so you can see what we think of it but the fact it is a DreamWorks and Merlin attraction says to me it is going to be worth the wait.
You can read all about the attraction on the main website for Shrek's Adventure! or there is a Facebook page for you to like and it is already giving lots of little sneaky peeks, videos and great information.
Also you might be wondering how I manged to turn myself into Shrek in the top picture and you can do the same too, oh yes you can! And lets be honest even if you do not want to, your kids will, so head over to the Shrek Yourself app on Facebook and upload a photo. It is simple enough that my seven year old's could Shrek themselves too.
It looks as if there will be so much to see and do at Shrek Adventure! My JJ is really looking forward to the 4D 'Dreamworks Tours' bus that starts the whole experience off and I'm just looking forward to watching the big smiles on my three kids faces.
So what are you waiting for, why not go and book your tickets today? It is cheaper to book online with an adult ticket being £23.40 and a child one is £18.72. There is also the opportunity to combine your Shrek Adventure! ticket with one of more other local attractions like the London Dungeons, Sealife London Aquarium etc so if you are staying in London you might as well cash in and enjoy a few different attractions.

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