1, TED Talks - There are so many of these short (anything between about 5 - 40 minutes) talks on Netflix now and there is something to suit every interest. My personal favourites are in the Love, No Matter What category. Check out Brene Brown speaking on Shame and David Epstein on a body by design.

2. I am Slave - This is a really emotional drama inspired by true events. The film follows a Sudenese girl who learns to fight her oppressors after being kidnapped and sold into slavery, first in Sudan and then in Great Britain. It is shocking to see what s happening in our own country and the film ends with a title screen showing that there are around 5000 young women slave workers in Britain (correct at 2010).

3. The Help - When aspiring author Skeeter returns home from college determined to write she manges to turn all her friends lives and in fact the whole town upside down. The film is set during the civil rights movement of the 1960s when all the black people in the town work for the wealthy white families but Skeeter tips the apple-cart when she manages to get her best friends made Abileen to open up and share her story. Not long many black women are sharing their stories and inspiring dozens of others. I love The Help as it will manage to make you inspired, smile, laugh, cry and feel angry at varying points across the film.

4. The Shawshank Redemption - I just adore this film ,it really is an amazing film about a wrongly imprisoned man and his innate sense of hope that manges to keep his mind free of the prison environment that he is incarcerated in. The relationship that he developed with prison entrepreneur Red is so special to watch and as Red starts to take a deeper look at himself you travel that journey with him. Really this is a simple film but it is so well done and cannot fail to inspire you.

5. Seven Pounds - Will Smith is always a winner for me but I think he really does this character justice and I just love the twists and turns in the plot of this film. Ben Thomas is haunted by a secret and he looks for redemption by radically transforming the lives of seven people he doesn't know. Once his plan is set, nothing will be able to stop him. At least that's what he thinks. But Ben hadn't planned on falling in love with one of these people and she's the one who will end up transforming him

Other inspiring films on Netflix that you might want to check out are - Losing Isiah, Not Without my Daughter, The Kings Speech, The Boys are Back and Good Will Hunting.
I have to leave you with one last recommendation but it is not on Netflix (yet - I'm hoping it will come) and it is Pay it Forward with the phenomenal child star Haley Joel Osment. This really is my favourite feel good film and it makes me smile every time I watch it and I come away knowing that not everything is bad in our world. Some of us are willing to reach out and do a good turn without the desire of anything in return.

Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix UK #StreamTeam and as such I've received a years subscription to Netflix and a device to watch my picks on. I've not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.
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