Dear JJ,
Love you big boy. I know you are now at the age where you think it is quite embarrassing that mum wants to give you a hug or kiss you goodbye, so I'll respect that you are now a secondary school student and let you be.
I'm so glad your first days at your new school have gone well and I hope you continue to enjoy learning there. I also pray that you make some good friends and find some interesting extra-curricular activities. It is not all about maths and Minecraft JJ, remember that.
Standing with you always, Mummy xx

Hello little ladies.
What a couple of live-wires you are. It makes me smile when people say to me how shy you are Miss E, so much quieter than your sister they say but no, they don't know you! Whilst your constant chattering away might drive me a little crazy at times I am so proud of how you have blossomed and become more confident, you are really growing into your own skin.
And as for you Miss M I have had so many compliments about you in the last few days. You have been referred to as a natural hostess and welcomer and many people that come to out home say it is your friendly nature that makes them feel straight at home here. Perfect.
I wish you both well in this year ahead. I think it is great you are in different classes now and this allows you the room to really be your own people.
Love you girls, Mummy xx

Dear Mrs Gill,
Thanks so much for the positive influence you have had on JJ in the last couple of years and thanks for continuing to be a great encourager to my girls. You really are a fantastic head teacher, I love how you know all the children and get involved in their lives.
I also really appreciate how approachable and down-to-earth you are, how many head teacher could you email with before school even starts back and have a bit of a joke? Not many, I'm sure.
I hope you find the same satisfaction in working the with children as they find attending your school.
Michelle Pannell
Dear Self,
Yes I know how pleased you are that they have gone back to school. You are a much better mum and wife when you get a bit of me time. How nice it was to drop them at school and to head into the village for some yummy breakfast whilst you wrote your first paid article for a while.
Then time to catch up on some boring housework jobs and into work for a couple of hours. Yes it is really good to get back to normal, to feel useful and to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Just remember to keep enjoying those snatched moments and then when the kids are home to really enjoy them too. Balance is what it is all about.
Good job, Mich
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