This week I have seen joy all around me, here are just a few of the reasons why -
1. I went to a health and well being workshop last Saturday, run by a Christian organisation called FitFish and it was great. I feel really motivated to exercise and let God have control of my health and diet. I wrote about what a motivating time I had on my other blog.
2. A fun pastoral evening making mug cakes, watching the Butterfly Circus (have you ever seen it? It is the most inspirational short film) and sharing prayer together.

3. Last night I watched a film called the War Room and it is a great watch. It is a film about the power of prayer but it is also a lesson in gratitude. My favourite line from the film as Miss Clara says she doesn't have to lift the heavy loads - "My job is to seek Him, to trust Him and to stand on His word every day." Oh yes!
4. I'm so grateful to a friend that I went to have a coffee with earlier this week. I ended up spending four hours wagging off her ear off talking about some situations that really are effecting our family and need prayer. She gave me a delicious lunch, let me cuddle her beautiful baby and covered my family in ongoing prayer, She is a diamond.
Over to you...
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Wishing you a fabulous week and I look forward to reading your posts. Mich x
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