Having a birthday on a school day is never the best thing, so we arranged for their birthday treat with friends to be on the Saturday and let them open their presents spread over the weekend and on Monday too. They went to a new craft shop with a friend each on the Saturday and made either mosaics or decopatch, I also had a go at the decopatch and really enjoyed myself, I'll definitely do it again.
Sadly Miss E's friend was feeling quite poorly so we didn't head on to McDonalds and the park as we had planned but instead went home for an impromptu birthday lunch and play with their local friends. I then treated them to a trip to our Orangery tea room for an ice cream and milkshake, they felt very grown-up girls just the five of them together and had lots of fun searching in the fountain for lost coins.

Happy Birthday Miss M
As I wrote in your birthday card you are full of life and a real firecracker. We love your passion and determination and I truly believe that one day God will use you for His glory. You are the one who will challenge authority and traditional thinking and because of that change will come.
I wish everyone could see the sweet and vulnerable side that you reveal to Daddy and I, it is so nice to snuggle up and I love that you always want to help me with the chores and are so thankful when I do something for you.
As I walk along if I feel a little hand slip into mine I know it will be you, you are still that same babe who needs the reassurance to know we are there and are close, you love that physical contact. I wish I could help you to focus a little more and be able to apply yourself to a task for more than ten minutes but really, what do I expect? For I was exactly the same as you when I was your age.
You'll get there my babe, you have the intelligence and as you mature you'll be able to judge characters better and you'll choose the right friends. The ones who want to spend time with you as they enjoy who you are and not what you can give them.
Just remember to stay true to yourself and don't follow the crowd. You don't have to try to be 15 before you have even hit 10!

Happy Birthday Miss E
You have such a kind heart babe, I love how you are fiercely loyal of your more gregarious twin, you hate to see anyone taking advantage of her or being nasty to her. You are wise beyond your years and such a great judge of character.
I pray that you can retain that sense of who you are, as you really are an individual who is happy in their own skin and can walk against the crowd. You have such a quirky sense of dress and it doesn't matter what your sister says you just wear what you like, be it fashionable or not.
If I could wave a magic wand and help you to be able to read and spell without any issues then I would but I do truly believe that your dyslexia is helping you to be resilient and determined to learn. Your love of all things crafty shines through and you definitely have a God-given talent. I am excited to see what your future holds, I really have no idea but I feel sure it will be bright.
Touch is definitely your love language and there is nothing I like better than snuggling up with you and watching one of our favourite cooking programmes or medical dramas. Your need to hoard things and the mess you create are little traits I can overlook as the whole package that is Miss E is generally fabulous and fun to spend time with.
Keep on following your own path and listening to your own gut, it won't let you go far wrong, you have a great internal compass.

Love you both, my babies. Love Mum xxx
Have a wonderful week ahead. Catch you soon, Mich xx