One of the biggest benefits of having moved to East Sussex is being close to the beach. It is my go to happy place whatever the weather but especially when the sun is shining.
Earlier in the month my Dad joined my girls and I to take the dog for a walk down on Bexhill seafront and then have a bacon sandwich and cuppa at Kerry's cafe (you guessed it, it was pre-slimming world!). We had a wonderful couple of hours together before he had to head off on the long drive back home.
Both girls were wearing their new ECCO boots with built-in GORE-TEX technology to keep their feet dry and warm in these wet and wintry months. This meant when they walked on the stones, run towards the waters edge or climbed and ran I didn't bat an eyelid about how their footwear would hold up as I know I can trust any pair of shoes or boots that GORE-TEX have approved to work with. Their checks are super intensive and they only work with the best and most trusted shoe-makers.
Just have a look at what fun we had and I love the fact that there is no cost at all involved in going to the beach. Bexhill really is my favourite place, free seafront parking, magnificent play park, a great prom for roller-blading and not busy at all.

As you can see Miss E is all about the exploring and collecting pretty shells and stones that she can treasure and craft with when we get home and Miss M is dog crazy and lies to spend her time with Archie the Labrador.
If you ever happen to be in Bexhill then I recommend Kerry's cafe, they do a mean cappuccino and bacon sandwich and the cost is reasonable but our favourite way to use the cafe, Is to order fish and chips from Minnie Bertha's (2 doors up) and as long as you have drinks in Kerry's you can eat your fish and chips there. It makes it much more affordable than sitting in an eat-in fish restaurant.
A certain dog likes it too, as Kerry's is dog friendly and you can buy them treats and there is always a bowl of water on offer.

The girls couldn't drink all their hot chocolate in the cafe as Dad needed to get back so it got transferred into take-away cups and they enjoyed it on the walk back to the car. It really was a fab morning.

Disclosure: We received two pairs of ECCO boots to wear and really enjoy as part of the Gore-Tex Big Days Ambassador programme. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.
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