Dear Sarah,
I want to thank you, sincerely. You had me
worried for half a minute but then I realised you wouldn't do anything crazy
and it was just great to really be able to see my Miss M through your eyes.
I've always said to anyone who'll listen that
Miss M might not be easy to parent but she'll be the one to do something
world-changing when she is older as no isn't a word she's scared of. But I
think, to be honest when you have a feisty child it can wear you down and it is
good to have a reminder of just how special they are.
It was obvious to all from the moment you met Miss M on our holiday that you fell in love with her, not in a bad way but you were just swept off
your feet by her larger than life personality and outward confidence. You kept
telling me she reminded you of you as a kid and it's funny if you ask my
parents, they'll tell you she is a little clone of me when I was a child. I
know you found that hard to believe as I'm quite reserved now and won't get up
to dance on a whim but people change and mature.
Your adoration for Miss M really made me revisit
mine and when she was up there singing and you were cheering her on, I wanted
to cheer louder and remind you she's my babe, hands off. But realistically I
don't need to do that as it is us she'll be going home with as Miss M loves her
Mummy and Daddy.
I pray that as Miss M goes through life with her
vivacious personality that more people see her through your eyes and instead of
her being viewed as nosey, controlling and a show-off, that they see confidence,
joy and a spark of something special.
It made me smile when you said you'd employ Miss
M in a heartbeat as she has that special something. No CV required, she'll be
going places anyway and without being big-headed I was reminded of me getting
my first job at age 14 when I walked into the local petrol station and told
them they needed to employ me as their staffing was a shambles! Needless to say
I worked there for five years and was a supervisor before I hit 15.
Thank you Sarah for the reminder to keep
nurturing Miss M to be just who God made her to be. She may not fit in with how
school would like her to act and she may show a blatant disregard for authority
and what she is supposed to be doing but she will be a success in whatever it
is she puts her mind to as she has a stubborn drive and tenacity that will see
her through.
However we can't forget the soft core, the part
she hides from most people but will reveal when she feels safe at home. It's
this tender place that keeps her lovable and means that her twin protects her
with a fierce love. It's funny Sarah, that you didn't even realise Miss E was
my daughter too let alone Miss M's twin but she is the really tough one. Yes
she can be shy and she whines for Britain but she has a steel core that will
get both her and Miss M through anything.
I adore my chalk and cheese twinnies and I'm
very blessed to have them. It is a real privilege to have both daughters and a
son and to be entrusted to help them develop into kind and considerate young
adults who know who they are in God. I hope that one day each of my children
meet a potential employer, University Lecturer or Mentor like you, who falls in
love with their potential and helps them unlock it in a way perhaps their
parent can't.
Thank you Sarah, it's been a pleasure meeting
you, if only for a brief time because you've helped me to remember that I have
to continue to be Miss M's cheerleader, helping her navigate the tricky path of
Michelle (AKA M's Mum) xx

I'm linking this post up with Reasons to be Cheerful, as my pretty little blond lady makes me very happy! You can link up with Becky, over at Lakes Single Mum.