I often think about how lucky my kids are. They have wonderful Grandparents and enjoy spending time with them. On the one hand I wish I'd had my children when I was younger and then my parents would have been younger too and that would have given them a lot more time before health complications got in the way of some of the things they want to do.
However what will be, will be and here we are. Yes, both of my parents have health ailments that now limit some of the activities they can be involved in but does that stop them having fun? Not at all.
For the last four years the children and I have headed off to Poole in Dorset with them for a fun week away whilst my husband is busy at work and when I ask the kids what their favourite type of holiday is, so we know what to book next year, they always say the one with my parents. Why? Well lets look at some of the qualities of my parents and get an idea of why my kids love them so much -
They make my kids laugh!
When I'm the one being all serious as it is time to go home or someone had been naughty, it will be my Mum or Dad being silly and encouraging the kids to laugh. Of course I don't really mind, that is what relationships are built upon. Just look at this photo, can you see the genuine enjoyment?
They are willing to be silly
In fact for years my mum was referred to as 'Silly Nanny' and this was a totally affectionate term. Just look at her here, in her late sixties and attempting a handstand. I'm 25 years younger than her and wouldn't attempt it!
They share their expertise
There is no denying that my dad is the champion sandcastle maker and as such any holiday taken by the beach wouldn't be complete without a Granddad-size sand castle. They all look forward to this, even the biggest one.
They know how to spoil them
My Mum and Dad have always been about 'family first' and it is no different with their grandchildren, so my lucky kids get spoilt rotten. Too many toys at Christmas, taken out all sorts of places when they go and stay and bought all the treats their heart desires. Only Nanny would spend a fortune on those big slushies at the funfair!
They nurture and encourage when the kids are scared
Earlier this year we visited the Savill Garden and it was lovely. Miss E really wanted to feed the ducks but was scared as a goose had pecked her years ago. Despite my mum also being nervous, she went ahead and feed the duck to encourage Miss E.
They are always there for them and love them unconditionally
If you asked my kids what would happen to them if anything happened to my husband and I and they would instantly tell you that my parents would have them. It is nothing that has ever been discussed but that unconditional love that my parents have shown them since the moment they were born has spoken volumes. We've never lived in the same town as them but they've always made so much effort to be a big part of all of our lives.
I could go on and on sharing reasons why my kids adore them but the fundamental of it is that my parents adored them first and weren't afraid to show it so the kids have just followed suit.
My parents aren't alone in enjoying their role as grandparents though, Shepherds Friendly shared with me that 72% of grandparents say that the role of being a grandparent is the single most important and satisfying thing in their life (1). Isn't that just lovely? I hope I get the opportunity to feel that way one day in the future.
Shepherds Friendly have created a fun infographic that suggests whether your kids grandparents are cool and how it is fun to be cool. I'm not sure my parents fit the definition of cool as in hipster cool but they certainly do as in the kids think they are cool to spend time with. Can you believe that at age 14 my son will choose to spend a day with just him and Granddad? A bit of lunch out, a beach walk with the dog, chatting as they go and then some companionable TV watching, It's not going to set the world alight but it makes them both happy.
Grandparents are a valuable addition to any child's life and most I know would do anything they can for their grandchild. Take care of them, play with them, love them and if you have the means you could even help them save for their future with a Young Savers Plan from Shepherds Friendly where you can save tax efficiently. What a blessing any grandparent would be to their grandchild to leave them a legacy that could allow them to go to Uni, buy a car or travel the world.
Thanks Mum and Dad for being so ace. Love you both. Mich xx
Source: (1) http://www.grandparents.com/food-and-leaisure/did-you-know/surprising-facts-about-grandparents
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