Check out my YouTube channel - Michelle Twin Mum if you want to see all our slime tutorials.
Big Fluffy Sparkle Slime - First up is our most recent video and it is the first appearance of Miss M on video. She does make me laugh in this and Miss E was filming and guiding her through what to do. They did a great job and Miss M is still enjoying playing with this big slime a couple of weeks later. You can see in the photo below that the glitter starts to bleed into the white slime as it gets more and more gold looking the older it gets.
Ingredients - This slime is made with PVA glue, shaving foam, bicarbonate of soda, glitter and contact lens solution (containing boric acid - this is important to make it work!) and food colouring or paint if you want it to be a different colour.
Slime Tip - You can add baby oil to help a sticky slime become less sticky or any kind of baby or body lotion to help your slime be more stretchy.
Slime Tip - Use the ultra fine glitter instead of the regular grainy type as this makes the difference in feel when you play with the slime.
Next up is Miss E's favourite slime - Caramel Latte Slime but don't be fooled into thinking you can eat it - you can't! It smells wonderful and is a joy to play with.
Ingredients - This slime is made with PVA glue, bicarbonate of soda, a bit of instant coffee dissolved in water, caramel essential oil and contact lens solution or we found a good buffered saline solution from Bosch and Lomb, sold at Boots.
Another one that sounds as if it should be edible but isn't (sorry!) is Miss E's Candy Floss slime, a mix of blue and pink slimes.
Ingredients - The same as the coffee slime but minus the coffee and use raspberry or a sweet smelling essential oil. Colour half pink with food colouring or paint and half blue.
Slime Tip - The cheap food colouring's from supermarkets don't give as god colouring's as the gel food colouring's. If you want a good red or pink slime, use paint or gel colouring.
Two ingredient washing detergent slime. Super cheap, quick and easy. I still prefer contact lens solution slime as I don't find this lasts so well but when it is only about £3 for a big bottle of washing detergent from Aldi or Lidl then you can make this so cheaply and use the rest of the detergent to wash your clothes.
Ingredients - PVA glue and washing detergent (they don't all work, Formil from Lidl and Almat from Aldi do). You can also add in glitter, paint, food colouring and/ or a scent if you want to.
Slime Tip - Leave your slime slightly sticky when making it and knead it really well. then leave it overnight and the next day it will be perfect.
Lots of people asked us to make Jiggly slime (which wobbles like jelly and is a lot looser than regular slime) so we did, a pink sparkle version and the girls loved playing with it. It feels really cold in your hands and has a very different feel.
Ingredients - Clear glue with PVA in it, water, paint or food colour, glitter, bicarbonate of soda and contact lens solution.
My favourite slime so far has been the Bright Blue Galaxy slime we made! This is pretty much like the jiggly slime above but we added in multi-coloured foam balls (to resemble planets), iridescent stars and black and blue glitter. It was so pretty and fun to play with.
Slime Tip - Go very sparing with gel food colouring as it stains. Use a small wooden stick to just put a little in your slime
We also made slime without any glue, using a peel-off face mask and some hair gel. This did work well but I didn't find it lasted very long at all and of course the face mask costs loads more than PVA glue does.
Then lastly this is is my original video and quickly after uploading it, it did pretty well and got over 300,000 views on it. Not quite making me famous yet but I was pretty pleased! I have to be honest and say this isn't the best video and we have learnt so much about making slime since we made this but it gives the basics.
Slime Tip - Add contact lens solution or buffered saline sparingly and a little at a time. Once you have added too much it is hard to rectify the problem and it will lead to a slime that is not so stretchy and starts to go harder over a number of days and eventually snaps when you try to play with it.
I hope you like our slime videos, do let us know if there is a specific slime you'd like us to try making.
Mich and the girls - Miss M and Miss E x
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