I've had a fab week, we have a big Christian festival going on in the grounds of our home this week and we all get involved and enjoy some worships, craft, time with friends and good biblical teaching. My girls particularly have had an absolute ball as it is their first time going to youth and they have made friends and been allowed to stay out a bit later in the evening.
Last Saturday was the annual village fete and I do love going to it. After growing up in a town and then living in various towns all my life it was a complete novelty to move here five years ago and find out what real community and village life is like.
Let me share some pictures of it with you -

The WI cake tent and this was towards the end. There were tables of great cakes!

Everyone enjoying their cuppa and cake.

Even the grumpy teenager did the 1/2 hour walk to get there.

The human fruit machine - so much fun!

The judging tent. Smallest ripe tomato, best selection of veg, summer flower, up-cycled project - the list goes on and on...

Miss M watching the dog show - of course!

A bright pink horsebox that sells sweets - whatever next?

Some of our Grounds and Employ-ability Team at the fete chatting to locals and selling produce they're grown organically.

Wishing you a fabulous weekend, Mich x
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