- I've been pro-active with chasing up paid work and January was a really good month. February is quieter but a couple of jobs came in just before the weekend.
- Time with my boy - we spent an afternoon together at TEDx Tunbridge Wells at the beginning of the month and had a fab Prezzo meal afterwards. Even better was that I had bought a voucher from Red Letter Days for about £20 as there was a deal and money off. Three courses and a drink each for £0, I was very happy!

- I got my monthly email from Kobo and it informed me I had read for 27.5 hours in the last month. For me, that is 27.5 hours of pure joy, as I only tend to read fiction on my e-reader.
- Every week recently, we've been having a yummy home-cooked roast dinner. I love doing a roast with loads of different veggies, that we can all sit at the table and eat together. These simple things really make a difference with teens.

- I've started coaching one of the volunteers here and it has reminded me, how much I like positively feeding into others lives.
- I'm reading a good book on forgiveness at the moment, and it is really helping in one of my significant relationships.
- I got to spend the day with my friend Krisha, and it was so nice to walk and catch up together.

- I've had a couple of really nice lunches out with my hubby whilst the kids have been at school. As he is working at the weekend at the moment, this gives him a day off in the week and it is good to spend time together and just chat.
- My husband and I took the girls over to IKEA and Bluewater for a shop. I really enjoyed visiting the Lindt shop and got to try out some new varieties of Lindor. I am loving the coffee and the hazelnut, which were both new to me.

- We've joined a fabulous church, and I am so grateful for the good teaching and the friendly people. We got invited to lunch the other week with the youth worker and we had such a lovely time. We're also enjoying going to the fortnightly house group.
- We had a very nice trip over to National Trust Bodiam Castle with the girls, and are looking forward to going to Scotney Castle this coming Sunday.
Thank you, Jesus, for all the blessings you bring in to my life, big and small. They make such a difference.