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When you decide to push the boat out and take on the responsibility of a puppy, it can be so much fun for the whole family. Dogs truly are man's best friend, so having a puppy of your own can provide you with so much positivity and joy! However, it takes dedication and effort to provide the best level of care for your new arrival, and you must take steps to ensure that your dog can be well looked after until the end of its days - a pup is for life, not just for Christmas. Having a puppy can also be a great learning experience for your children, as introducing them to animals in such a fun and enjoyable way will encourage them to form bonds and lose their fear of other species. So, what are you waiting for?
If you’ve decided to get a puppy for your family, then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that can help you to provide them with the best level of care to improve their quality of life and make the most of your time together!
The Right Breed
Choosing which dog breed is the best for family is one of the most important features of your project. Opting for the wrong kind of dog could mean that your family does not develop a positive bond with the animal, therefore resulting in a bad quality of life and eventual rehoming. You must consider the basics, such as the age of your children and the experience they have with dog handling, otherwise, they could get scared or frightened and potentially receive some kind of injury when mishandling the dog. Small pups are often much more suited to families with younger children, as they appear less intimidating and can perhaps do less damage, however, some breeds such as Jack Russell terrier are partial to nipping and barking as a larger animal might also during play.
There are many misconceptions about breeds and their capabilities, as many families fear Staffordshire bull terriers despite their desperate loyalty and natural instincts to protect their owners. If you have experience in handling dogs then you needn’t worry so much about the breed, as it can be very simple to keep control of a pup when using the right commands and actions. It’s a good idea to seek out some training sessions if you would like to learn some of the relevant skills, as a dog can only be as controlled as its owner.
Food, Glorious Food
The food that your pup eats will provide them with the fuel they need to bounce around and have fun, as well as all of the necessary vitamins used for a shiny coat and strong immune system. Failing to give your dog the nutrients they need could cause them all manner of health problems, and these can be easily avoided by investing in the appropriate meals and snacks. Dogs are mainly omnivorous, so they need meat, vegetables and carbohydrates to create sufficient energy levels. You can make your pups food at home, using the most basic ingredients such as boiled meat, rice and pasta in small amounts, and vegetables (both raw and cooked) - be sure not to use salt in your dog's dish, as too much can lead to difficulties, thanks to their lack of digestive ability. It’s also recommended that you do not feed grapes or raisins to your pup as they can cause damage to their kidneys, neither should you give them chocolate as it contains stimulants that they cannot metabolise. There are many good options in terms of ready-made dog food from regular grocery stores, as well as specialist providers such as Time For Paws which can be ordered online for delivery straight to your front door! Just be sure to check that the ingredients are from healthy, high-quality sources and that each meal is nutritionally complete in terms of vitamins and minerals.
Furnishings & Toys
There are several different home furnishings that you will need to invest in to ensure that your new arrival can be as comfortable as possible, starting off with a bed. If you’re getting a small puppy, consider the full size that they will grow to when choosing the right bed - the more room they have the better! They’re also going to need their own food and water dishes to eat from, as well as some fun toys to play with too. You’re also going to need a lead to use when taking them out on walks, so decide upon whether you would like a regular collar leash or a body harness that’s a little more secure.
It’s also a good idea to seek out an attachment that follows the traffic light system, identifying whether your dog is green (meaning ok to approach), orange (approach with caution) and red (do not approach). This handy colour system can really help both you and other dog walkers whilst out on your journey, so aim to make safety a priority whenever you head outside with your pup. It might also be an idea to invest in some coats or outerwear that your pup can wear when it starts to get cold outside, especially if they are a short hair breed that originates from warmer climates, as they can easily feel the effects of the freezing temperatures and get unwell.

Doggy Hygiene Products
Taking care of your dog's hygiene is super important, as they are unable to clean themselves properly and look after their health without human intervention. First off, you’re going to need to find some puppy shampoo to wash them with on a regular basis, seeking out a sensitive option if they have any skin conditions that may cause discomfort. You should also provide your dog with some kind of healthy mouth chew toy or tasty gum stick that can strengthen their teeth and brush away any excess plaque.
Your pup should also keep their vaccinations up to date if they haven’t had them already as they may contract infections and diseases, so take them to a veterinary clinic on a regular basis - this will also help to identify any underlying health issues that you may not be able to spot yourself, as well as seeking out the right treatment too. Always keep an eye on your pup and check that they are eating well, drinking water often and operating with normal energy levels, as they do not have the ability to let you know when something is wrong which means that you have to look out for the signs.
The arrival of a puppy into your family can bring so much happiness and joy, as a dog can really complete your home and offer comfort and positivity too. Looking after your dog takes a lot of time and effort, and you have to be certain that you can provide for them for the rest of their life before you make the decision to become their owner.
This guide outlines the basics that contribute to looking after your new pet properly, such as giving them nutritionally complete food options that can promote good health, and taking care of their hygiene by washing their coat regularly and taking them to visit the vets for wellbeing check-ups. Prepare your home ready for their arrival by investing in a comfortable bed, their own personal food dishes, leashes to use on walks and some fun toys that can keep them entertained whilst you’re busy. Get all these things sorted and lavish your new pup with some love and they will be your best friend for life. Good luck!