Hey friends, I hope you're well? It's been a long time since we caught up as life is changing for me and I just don't find the time or the enthusiasm to sit down and blog in the way I used to. I supposed it is to be expected. I wrote my first blog post in May 2008 and it is now April 2022, fourteen years later. That's a long time to keep a hobby going.
In truth, my hobby turned into a job. One that was convenient and allowed me to be available for my family and to do lots of volunteering, whilst earning some money. But I never loved it. Being self-employed and blogging has never given me the satisfaction of previous jobs, where I felt needed and fully immersed.
I'm so glad to say that I'm back in a job like that, well more correctly, God has revealed to me it is a ministry rather than a job, as it is His work I am doing and His will I'm following. Back in January, I was appointed as the Project Manager for the Bexhill and Battle foodbanks and as the first paid member of staff for Churches Together in Bexhill I knew it would hold some challenges but since I started on March 1st I have fallen in love with my role, with my team, with my clients, with all the possibilities for a better future service, for serving Jesus in a way that is really needed.
I'm away at Spring Harvest at the moment, the Christian conference that I have gone to most every since (excepting Covid) since around 2005. This has been the best time for me, as God has revealed so much about the future and how I should manage and take forward the foodbanks. I now have a guiding bible verse and ideas for the future. Where I saw blockers before, I now see opportunities in His perfect timing.