Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Top Tips for Finding Remote Jobs on Jooble: A Busy Parent’s Guide

Image Credit: Pexels

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According to recent research, 61% of parents now want to work full-time from home. Also, 37% of busy parents would like the choice of some kind of mixed work routine as they look forward to the world after the outbreak. It’s likely that you understand why so many other parents are so eager to work from home if you are a parent hunting for a job that you can do from home. To support you in this tough journey, we have prepared a couple of tips for you.


1. Plan Your Childcare

Before starting your job search, ensure you have a plan for managing childcare during application and interview processes. This might involve setting up a dedicated workspace at home or arranging for childcare support during critical times.

2. Identify Flexible Roles

Look for jobs that offer flexible hours or asynchronous communication methods (e.g., email or chat), which allow you to work around your child's schedule without constant interruption. Roles like customer support via chat, data analysis, and project coordination are ideal.

3. Research Parent-Friendly Companies

Some companies offer childcare assistance or benefits that can help working parents manage their responsibilities more effectively. Research these companies to find roles that align with your needs.

4. Use Remote Job Boards and Networking

You can find remote job opportunities tailored for parents through specialized employment platforms like Jooble, with many career options available in London. So you will not suffer from a shortage of options. Networking with other working parents through social media groups can also provide valuable insights into family-friendly companies. You just need to set up the target location for the networking events — be it London, Birmingham, or any other city.

5. Highlight Your Skills Strategically

As a parent, you have most probably developed skills such as multitasking and time management. These are highly valued by employers. Ensure these skills are highlighted in your resume when applying for remote positions.

Tips for Balancing Childcare and Job Search

Before you start looking for remote work, you should get an idea of how you will handle childcare throughout the application and interview process. The following tricks might help:

  • Create a separate work place in your house. If feasible, choose a space in the home with a door that can be closed during meetings or when you need additional attention to complete your professional tasks. If it is not feasible, attempt to set up a space in a less-trafficked portion of the home.
  • Gather the appropriate tools. Remote workers often need access to a phone, the internet, and a functional computer with camera capability for remote meetings. If you are missing any of these tools, make the necessary arrangements to ensure that you have everything you need to accomplish the work.
  • Schedule time for your job hunt. Parents often have little free time, so it is critical to set aside time to focus on your job hunt. If your children are little, you may choose to investigate and apply for employment in the early morning, during nap periods, or after they go to bed in the evening.
  • Do not be scared to call out for assistance. Most parents can handle CV submissions while their children are at home, but interviews are a different story, particularly if your children are still small. Ask friends, neighbours, or family members to assist you with the children during designated interview times to avoid distractions.
  • Take time for yourself. Job searching may be taxing, particularly if you also have family duties. Set aside time for self-care to prevent job search burnout, weariness, and despair.

Final Say!

Stay-at-home parents are faced with distinct challenges while looking for work-from-home employment opportunities. Balancing childcare obligations with an online job hunt is one thing. Beyond that, stay-at-home parents have the extra burden of earning enough to sustain their family.

Busy parents may feel as if they are working under the loop; there is often increased pressure on them to build a career that allows them to continue functioning as efficient parents. Luckily, there are numerous WFH opportunities available that are flexible and prepared to provide parental leave benefits. Just follow the above tips to land a dream job offer.