Good morning friends, I hope you are well today.
All is good here in East Sussex, a tad chilly but the sun keeps coming out and the sky is bright, I cannot moan.
How have you been this week, have you been practising the principle of thankfulness? I find it makes such a difference when I choose to be thankful and to look for the good. The beautiful Karin embraces the mantra ‘Every day may not be good but there is good in every day’ and Amen to that. When you choose to focus on that approach to life, things change. Both Karin through her Embrace Happy and me through my Reasons to be Cheerful which I started back in 2011 have seen our attitudes and lives turned around.
Today my thankfulness is all about my family. We do not live in a state of constant bliss, far from it. I might snap at my husband, the kids will bicker and he might seem distant at times but despite these perfectly normal annoyances I still know I am with the right people in the right place.
I am thankful for my husband – a man who can be trusted, who provides so well for his family, who worries and shoulders the burden of my actions, who adores time with his family, who is handsome and deep, who is obedient to the word of God.
I am thankful for my first born, JJ – who is bright beyond my wildest dreams, who will go places, who can happily chat to an adult on their level, who makes me laugh so much, who is not worried about following the trend, who loves to give his mum hugs.
I am thankful for Miss E – my twinnie who looks like a delicate flower but has the stubbornness and resilience far beyond her years, who is very kind and loving, who nurtures the young around her, who adores me with a passion I’ve never experienced before, who is a wonderful artist.
I am thankful for Miss M – this is my twinnie baby, my sensitive little soul who pretends she is so tough, who wants to help and be loved, who is outspoken, vivacious and confident, who walks along with her arm round me and feels the need to be accepted. Thank you Jesus for each one of these blessings in my life.
Over to you, why don't you link up a thankful post and join us in giving thanks -
- Write your post or choose one of your many positive posts to link up
- Please comment on my post as the host and I'll make sure I hop over and comment on yours too. I'll also endeavour to social share them all.
- Then please visit and comment on at least 2 or 3 other posts in the linky. Blog-hops only work when people take the time to share the commenting love.
- If you fancy grab the blog-hop code and put it at the bottom of your post, this means people can visit all posts from everywhere. The linky is not just here it is with us all!
If you fancy grabbing my new linky badge, here is the code, just paste it in to your HTML tab and if you're not sure what I'm on about then just shout I'm happy to help, we were all new bloggers once.
But at the end of the day, just link up and have fun and I'm sure you'll find that when you have a thankful heart others parts of your life start to fall into place too. I look forward to reading your posts.
Wishing you a blessed week, Mich x
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