Dear New Ground,
Wow, you sure know how to put on a great weekend away. Your planning and organisation is seamless and my family have had such an amazing time. Thanks so much, we really appreciate all you have done to make this happen.
I sure hope we still live here in 2017 when the next mass gathering of New Ground churches will be.
Very happy to be a member of one of your churches, Michelle
Dear Dh,
How weird is it that our home gets overtaken with 2000 people coming to stay and worship God? I've sort of got used to it now and of course it is such a privilege to be able to join in with all the amazing worship, praying and teaching that is part of the weekend. I did love the fact that our own church was part of this weekend and being able to get to know some people a little better.
Probably my favourite part of the weekend was being able to attend the meetings with you; worshipping alongside you and being able to listen to the preach and digest it together. The kids are going to need a couple of days to recover from all the excitement of having so many young friends here on site and being able to roam much more freely than we normally allow. I can see us having to strongly reiterate boundaries in the next few days.
Love you babe, Mich xx
Dear Matt Redman,
Thanks so much for coming and leading worship here one night. It was great to hear you perform live and lead us all into the presence of our Lord. A really special moment for me was singing along with you and the rest of the massive crowd to 10,000 reasons. You really did write a very special song there.
A happy worshipper, Michelle
Dear Jesus,
What can I say that you don't already know? Nothing, you know everything there is to know about me, you see my heart and know my desires. What an incredible weekend, I am so glad to have spent it with you and I'm immensely grateful for many of the talented speakers that you equipped to share with us this weekend.
There was Chris Taylor who told me I had to say yes to you and when I consult my notebook the key thing I wrote down is that saying yes to you must not have any conditions on it. You know what I am capable of, you equip me and it is my job to trust you. So yes Lord, send me and I'll go.
There was the man who sung the prophecy about the blank books, I believe his name is Reuben. It is amazing to be reminded that you are the great author who is writing each of our stories, page by page with a story only being complete if there are highs and lows. Then this was confirmed by Judy who came over to tell me this was very pertinent to me, she said 'You can't even conceive of the big plans that God has in store for me. Don't sit back, keep moving forward."
Then there was Ashleigh Smyth who helped me to realise that in moving to Ashburnham you stripped away so many of the things that meant a lot to me - work, title, money, status and with them my dreaded pride and helped me to realise who I am in you. A daughter who is loved beyond measure.
Wow, what a morning Sunday was with Phil Moore, that man has an amazing presence on the stage, you have gifted him wildly. I was stoke to hear of the new online church initiatives and I have already emailed to shout yes, yes I want to be involved. I've got a whole post I want to write spurred on from his preach - am I living in a world of Christian karaoke? No, no I'm not.
Forever grateful for this amazing weekend, your faithful servant, Mich x
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Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x
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